
Advancing the World with Artificial Intelligence

Where enterprises and AI meet at the pinnacle of innovation. We develop state-of-the-art AI to accelerate business growth.

Who We Are

Innovative, Human-Focused AI Technology

We live in a world where humans and technology continuously interact with each other. A new environment centered on people and technology requires a change in perception.

Here at DeepBrain, we believe that artificial intelligence can help focus and accelerate the growth of every talented individual. Technology can never replace people, but rather assist them to focus on maximizing their personal capabilities. We only exist to advance the quality of human life by creating user-friendly AI systems.

明芒(北京)科技有限公司,是一家全球化的人工智能图像合成企业,提供利用语音合成,影像合成技术为用户提供2D、3D虚拟人定制及全栈式解决方案得数字人业务。DeepBrain AI 明芒科技的虚拟人技术是融合了语音合成、图像合成、自然语言处理、语音识别技术的对话型人工智能技术。明芒科技通过提供虚拟人视频制作 SaaS平台-AI STUDIOS、AI对话型虚拟人服务、AI虚拟人智能一体机等一站式AI虚拟人解决方案,已为三星证券、国民银行、友利银行、AIA友邦保险、7-11便利店、微软、Lenovo联想、BMW宝马、英伟达等全球众多大型企业客户提供了虚拟人解决方案。明芒科技成功制作了韩国知名球员孙兴慜、中央电视台虚拟财经主播、韩国现任总统尹锡悦、韩国知名新闻主播金株夏、美国著名主持人豪伊曼德尔的AI虚拟人,AI 明星 李章宇,明芒科技已具备可以与AI虚拟人进行对话的SAAS平台,并计划升级成元宇宙平台,研发出生活在元宇宙中,具有提供温暖智能服务,可以与人类沟通的虚拟人。另外,明芒科技还计划在2年内成长为估值为10亿美元的独角兽企业,在美国股市上市,为进一步扩大在全球市场的影响力,探索多元化的事业发展机会。作为人工智能创业企业,DeepBrain AI明芒科技以中国、韩国本社和美国分公司为中心,积极拓展亚洲、美洲、欧洲的市场,在全球范围内进行业务合作,并快速成长。  DeepBrain AI成员来自世界顶尖学府及硅谷,在行业内有丰富的经验。是世界顶尖的Deep Learning深度学习视频合成技术的团队。其核心技术除了人工智能影像合成及实时对话技术,还提供真人定制服务,3D纯虚拟人物定制服务,数字人AI 名片,AI故人复活,AI deepfake检测等解决方案。

We Support New Industries to Adopt AI Human Technology

Various industries (finance, retail, healthcare, media, etc.) still struggle to properly incorporate highly demanded AI technology.

DeepBrain strives to aid such difficulty by providing companies with practical AI Human solutions. We provide guidance on how various business industries can advance with empirical results using AI Human technology.

Our Mission

Advance Humanity with Human-AI Collaboration

We design artificial intelligence to best assist people. We strive to help people to be the most creative and meaningful versions of themselves.

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